Positioning for the next verticals of human society
Human society is at a cusp of a new technology renaissance. We've all seen a glimpse of what future may look like due to explosion of LLMs like GPT. Some fear it some embrace it. The best move is to position yourself at some if not all of the new upcoming revolutions. Don't fear it, don't embrace it rather play it like an infinite sum game. General consensus is usually wrong about the future. We're currently experiencing indeterminate optimism in society at least about technology, which usually doesn't end well. Maybe it's just human nature, like if you were to ask someone what the future would look like in 1980's they would surely mention flying cars, thinking machines all around us. We're not there yet, flying cars may not be optimal in everyplace, mostly sub optimal in some places. Still, even if you ask people near you, you'll get the similar or exact same optimism about technology. Maybe just maybe we're at the brink of exponential change/ad...